Stop Relying on Social Media to Build Your Business : Do this Instead For Quicker Growth

It’s a huge mistake to rely on social media to build your coaching business.

Is social media important for your visibility and to build the know, like, and trust factor over time? Absolutely. But it’s just one small piece of the puzzle. And it’s not even a piece you need to grow your business in the beginning.

In fact, I grew my online coaching business to multiple six figures before I even began to “market” my message on social media.

Social media is not a captured audience; meaning you don’t have their attention for long, and the majority of people “following” you, and even engaging with you on social, aren’t actually your ideal clients, and so therefore will never invest with you.

So if you’ve been benging your head against a wall wondering why you’re not getting more traction through social media, this is why.

One thing all successful online coaches have in common is that they’ve built their community and made the majority of their income doing this one thing. Watch this video so you can make this important change to your growth strategy and start building momentum in your business.

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Jessica Perez-Beebe

Founder & CEO

Jessica Perez-Beebe is the founder of Live Now, LLC, a coaching company for coaches!

She’s a pro-athlete, entrepreneur, certified strategic life coach, and recognized expert in mindset, performance, and personal transformation. She works with coaches and exceptional leaders who want to hit their next level of excellence.

Her proven PRO-system helps coaches and entrepreneurs adopt the habits, thought patterns, and performance methods used by pro-athletes to get consistent results without overwhelm or burnout.

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