Key To Staying Motivated: Never Be Ashamed Of Your Failures

I am often asked how I stay motivated despite all the failures or setbacks I have encountered.

Easy. I don’t dwell on them; instead, I learn from them, forgive myself, and move on!

Never be ashamed of your failures

In fact, I encourage you to embrace them, learn from them, and aspire to fail more.

If you’re failing more, that means you’re trying more.

Change your perspective on what it means to win and lose.

Life and business have taught me that if you’re out there playing the game (not just sitting on the sidelines or spectating from the stands) statistically you’re going to have way more losses than you have wins. 

That’s just the reality.

Nowhere has that been better exemplified to me than in my experience as entrepreneur for 17 years, and as a professional athlete.

Consider this: if you’re mostly winning, you’re not playing big enough!

“I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times I’ve been trusted to take the game-winning shot and I’ve missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”

So the next time you’re tempted to back down from a challenge or personal dream, because you’re afraid to fail, take the Jordan approach (the PRO APPROACH) instead, and remind yourself that ‘If I’m willing to succeed, I must be willing to fail.’

If you’d like to learn about coaching options with us in 2023, send an email to [email protected] and someone on my team will get back to you quickly.

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Never Miss a Thing

Jessica Perez-Beebe

Founder & CEO

Jessica Perez-Beebe is the founder of Live Now, LLC, a coaching company for coaches!

She’s a pro-athlete, entrepreneur, certified strategic life coach, and recognized expert in mindset, performance, and personal transformation. She works with coaches and exceptional leaders who want to hit their next level of excellence.

Her proven PRO-system helps coaches and entrepreneurs adopt the habits, thought patterns, and performance methods used by pro-athletes to get consistent results without overwhelm or burnout.

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