When you think you have far to go, remember where you were 5 years ago. 🖐
It’s so easy to lose focus when you’re working towards a goal or change in your life. That’s because we have become programmed to expect things quickly.
Instant gratification.
Heck, we don’t even need to watch commercials anymore. Thank you Netflix! Not complaining about that!
But when it comes to what’s important in your life, you need to remember that change takes time.
That yes, anything worth having is worth working for.
And, worth waiting for.
If you need a reminder, just consider something significant in your life right now – a relationship, a home, a job, freedom from an addiction you overcame…
It took time, right?
It was worth it, right?
If you’re working towards a new goal, change, or transformation, settle in.
Stay focused.
Have faith.
Do the work.
And remember where you were five years ago.
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