This year you can have a huge jump in your coaching business success when you commit to one or all 3 of these key focus factors that have been missing up until now: vision & purpose, daily high performance habits for productivity, and consistently prioritizing what’s important
Committing to these 3 key factors help you prepare for anything unexpected that will undoubtedly come your way.
Here’s why.
In times of stress or high pressure, you automatically default to your lowest level of preparation.
Not your highest level of preparation; your lowest!
To begin operating like a PRO in your life and your coaching business, you need to make preparation a priority.
Pros don’t rely on luck or chance.
Pros don’t just wing it!
Jump right to the exercise below or play this video first, where I tell you about a HUGE moment where this hit me in my athletic career.
Try this exercise:
- Write down the areas of your life that you know you’re just winging it, or being sloppy in.
- Ask yourself for each of these areas you listed, ‘When it comes down to it, am I going to be ok with my current default in this area of my life?’
- If the answer is no, decide what to do about it.
If you’d like to learn about coaching options with us, send an email to [email protected] and someone on my team will get back to you quickly.