Have you ever considered the fact that in times of stress or high pressure, you automatically default to your lowest level of preparation?
Not your highest level of preparation; your lowest!
To begin operating like a PRO when it comes to your personal and professional goals, you need to make preparation a priority.
Pros don’t rely on luck or chance.
Pros don’t just wing it!
In this video I share a specific example of how this recently played out during an important moment in my life!
Journal Exercise:
- Write down the areas of your life that you know you’re just winging it, or being sloppy in.
- Ask yourself for each of these areas you listed, ‘When it comes down to it, am I going to be ok with my current default in this area of my life?’
- If the answer is no, decide what to do about it.
Hope this article helped you think differently about preparation. If it did, let me know in the comments.