Do you have the right people around you?
Are you investing in your success, or just relying on your own willpower?
I need you to hear this loud and clear:
Willpower does not work!
Because willpower implies that we must do it all on our own.
Facts: According to research done by the Association for Psychological Science, we begin our day with energy reserves and enhanced focus, but as the day wears on and that energy runs lower, so does our self-control.
We may think of ourselves as independent, but we’ve evolved to be socially interdependent. If you think going it alone is a good idea, be ready to fail alone as well.
The stats Are Phenomenal:
- 10% probability of completing your goal, promise, task or activity– If you have an actual idea or goal.
- 25% probability of completing your goal, promise, task or activity– If you consciously decide you will do it.
- 40% probability of completing your goal, promise, task or activity– If you decide when you will do it.
- 50% probability of completing your goal, promise, task or activity– If you plan how you will do it.
- 65% probability of completing your goal, promise, task or activity– If you commit to someone you will do it.
- 95% probability of completing your goal, promise, task or activity – If you have a specific accountability appointment with a person you’ve committed to.

Are you ready to stop trying to do this on your own, so you can fast track your results with expert support and accountability?
I can help.
Begin by booking a Clarity Coaching Session with me this month.
In as little as 75 minutes you can walk away with clarity, confidence, and an expert accountability plan.
As you can see from the stats above, the odds are overwhelmingly in your favor when you take this next step.
It’s a 10% chance of succeeding on your own, versus a 95% chance of succeeding with outside accountability.