If you are in the business of selling something – a service, a product, your time, your expertise… then it is essential that you also find yourself in the buyer’s seat too.
When you find yourself stuck in a mindset of “what’s in it for me”? or “I can’t afford that”, you are blocking off the energy of giving and receiving, and cutting off the abundance that wants to flow to you.
Abundance in skills.
Abundance in experience.
Abundance in knowledge.
And yes, abundance in your business.
You can’t be a seller without being a buyer.
It is important to remember that this same mentality applies to more than just money. If you want to receive love, kindness, compassion, vulnerability, and forgiveness, you must be sure to give those things as well.
“When you give, you open yourself up to receive.”
Remember, if you are a seller, make sure to be a buyer too, and you’ll find that real abundance will start to flow into your life.
If you’d like to learn about coaching options with us, send an email to [email protected] and someone on our team will get back to you quickly.