Empowering Your Inner Entrepreneur: The Art of Resourceful Thinking

If you’re like me and you’re on a journey to uplevel your life, it’s time to start thinking like an entrepreneur, thinking like a high performer. Let me share some insights from my own experience and the wisdom I’ve gained along the way.

Seeing Problems as Opportunities

You know what successful entrepreneurs and high performers do? They don’t just mope around when they spot a problem. Nope, they see it as a golden chance to come up with a solution. We all face hurdles and gaps, but here’s the deal – we actively work to bridge those gaps.

We’re all about seeking solutions, and guess what? We’re not afraid to get help. We’ll team up with others, seek out mentors, coaches, or counselors, because we know there’s often someone out there with the answers we need. The key is that we’re open to finding them.

Your Superpower? Resourcefulness

Resourcefulness is our superpower. Instead of looking for all the answers in others, we’ve learned to ask ourselves, “What can I do differently?” I’m not in the business of leading your life; I’m here to help you take the reins. So, when I’m coaching you, it’s all about teaching you how to think in a way that empowers you to steer your own ship.

Let me give you a real-life example. A few years ago, I made an offer for a group program, and one of my clients was keen to join. But as the payment deadline neared, she hadn’t signed up. When I asked her why, she dropped a bombshell – her first payment was due on the 15th, and the deadline was the 5th. My response? “Why didn’t you ask if you could pay on the 15th?” Her answer? “I never thought of it!”

Thinking Outside the Box

Sound familiar? It’s a common trap many of us fall into – not thinking outside the box. We don’t always speak up or ask for what we want. We often take things at face value, and that can hold us back. In today’s world, especially with the impact of social media, it’s too easy to swallow things as they’re presented, without digging deeper to explore fresh ideas and collaborations.

So here’s the challenge: Let’s embrace that entrepreneurial spirit. Be resourceful, seek solutions, collaborate with others, and never hesitate to ask for what you want. Your life is your adventure to lead, so let’s unlock that full potential together.

Let’s break free from limitations and make the most of the power of resourcefulness, collaboration, and thinking beyond the obvious.

If you’re as passionate about leveling up your life as I am, it’s time to take a step that will transform your journey.

Introducing my Mission and Vision Workshop – the ultimate opportunity to align your coaching purpose with an entrepreneurial mindset and high-achiever’s perspective. This isn’t just another workshop; it’s a journey to discover your inner mission and supercharge your vision.

Don’t miss out on this chance to transform your coaching career and attract more ideal clients.

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Jessica Perez-Beebe

Founder & CEO

Jessica Perez-Beebe is the founder of Live Now, LLC, a coaching company for coaches!

She’s a pro-athlete, entrepreneur, certified strategic life coach, and recognized expert in mindset, performance, and personal transformation. She works with coaches and exceptional leaders who want to hit their next level of excellence.

Her proven PRO-system helps coaches and entrepreneurs adopt the habits, thought patterns, and performance methods used by pro-athletes to get consistent results without overwhelm or burnout.

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